{ Getting used to the pain }

Please help me so that I can say goodbye to everyone and bid farewell with a smile

The moment I’ve always dreamed about breaks down and after everyone I believed would stay by me, leaves

The pieces of my memory if among them, just one, just one moment became strength to me

Sometimes when you realize there is no one by your side, you know it’s time to learn how to face things alone

They believe in my fake smiles and get suprised when I say I’m depressed

Am I not so good at hiding and controlling my feelings or are you just another liar saying you will help me if I tell you the truth?

( S T A Y - S T R O N G)

I don't deserve this pain

You see that girl? She looks so happy right?Smiling everytime and Dying inside. She's hurt.Tired of all the drama. Tired of not being good enough.Tired of life.But she doesn't want to look weak and attention seeking.She keeps it inside.Acts like everything gonna be okay but cries at night.So everybody thinks that she's the happier person they know.That she doesn't have any problems. If only the know the truth ....

Step Here

Kawan ? Terpinggir ?
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 | 12:44 AM | 0 comments

 Pernah rasa terpinggir ? Tipu lah kalau tak pernah kan. siapa je suka bila ada orang pinggirkan kita. sisihkan kita. sakit sangat hati ni. rasa macam tak dihargai. lagi lagi kalau yang pinggirkan tu kawan sendiri. Ya Allah. rasa macam nak terjun katil juga sekarang ni .....

 aku taknak mention lah sesapa dalam hal ni. kang tak pasal pasal gaduh. bermasam muka. aku tak suka. tapi kadang kadang aku ni jenis yang suka buat perangai. aku sengaja masam muka. tak tegur. sebab aku nak tahu sejauh mana tahap kesabaran dia sebagai kawan. hm sorry you failed guys. aku memang ego. okay aku mengaku. ego dengan aku tak dapat nak pisah. macam aur dengan tebing. ceh kelas kau nyah >< kadang kadang sebab ego macam macam boleh jadi. heh susah.

 kawan ? dalam hidup ni kita perlukan kawan untuk mewarnai hidup kita. sometimes kena hati hati jugak dengan golongan kawan makan kawan. tikam belakang. backstabbed. hipokrit and blablabla. sebab golongan yang macam tu. depan kita je dia baik. belakang kita ? hambik kau kejam sekejam kejamnya. setakat ni semua golongan tu aku dah jumpa. dah pernah rasa pun. so chillax :'D

 thanks fr everything ma friend. hope our relationship long lasting and hopefully till jannah! Ameen :'D Btw jerebu semakin kurang. So saya akan pulang ke ' penjara' hari khamis pagi. so byebye uols :*

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